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Best Research Paper Topics And Examples

Choosing research paper topics or interesting topics for projects is often considered more difficult than solving the paper itself. Even the most brilliant student in your class also spends a significant amount of time deciding the topic. So, if you can't find the perfect topic for your research paper, don’t be hard on yourself. Just tell us what you want. We will help you find some unique research paper topic ideas as per your preferences.

Our company, is one of the leading academic tutoring providers on the internet. Here, you can avail all sorts of academic assistance from qualified experts. If you are looking for some suggestions on research paper topics, this is the right place to be. Our team has over 5000+ academicians from different fields of study. Hence, you can rely on them for unique and intriguing best research paper topics and ideas.

Need Interesting Research Paper Topics For High School/College?

Our Team Has Trending Suggestions For You

As mentioned, has a pool of brilliant academic experts. A majority of them have PhD credentials, which speak a lot about their expertise. Suggesting good topics for research project or college research paper topics is a cakewalk for them. For your convenience, our experts have assembled 100+ interesting research paper topic ideas that can help you get started.

Business Research Paper Topics - Project Topics Ideas

  • How does US foreign policy influence international business?

  • Evaluate the impact of e-commerce culture in international business.

  • The significance of outsources services: Analyze its pros and cons.

  • How does Brexit affect international trades? Discuss with statistics.

  • Analyze the changes major companies in the UAE have made post-VAT implementation

Crime And Law Research Paper Topics - Project Topics Ideas

  • Analyze the punishment for making false confessions in the court of law in Middle East countries.

  • Should marijuana be legalized for recreational purposes across the world? Establish your arguments with supporting evidence.

  • Should extra-marital affairs be treated as a punishable offense in the court of law? Discuss.

  • It is a good time to upgrade the laws and regulations regarding the use of the internet. Defend your stance on this with a valid argument.

  • Does censorship of media violate freedom of expression? Discuss with practical examples.

Drugs And Drug Abuse Research Paper Topics - Project Topics Ideas

  • Analyze the social factors that increase the risk of drug abuse among teenagers.

  • Evaluate the current rehabilitation process used for treating drug addicts.

  • Does “club culture” increase the danger of drug abuse?

  • Geniuses and drug abuse: Did drugs really help them create their masterpieces?

  • Steroid consumption for bodybuilding is also a form of drug abuse – Establish your argument with valid information.

Education Research Paper Topics

  • Analyze the UN’s role in promoting “education for all” at a global scale.

  • Does the Australian education system require a radical reform? – Defend your argument with valid data.

  • Do a comparative analysis of e-learning and traditional education.

  • Does home-schooling offer a better education to a student? Discuss.

  • Evaluate the pros and cons of sex education in schools.

  • Evaluate the current state of education available to mentally challenged people.

Family Issues Research Paper Topics

  • Evaluate the major reasons behind the increasing number of divorces among American couples.

  • Not meeting family expectations is one of the major reasons behind depression. Establish your argument with evidence.

  • Not meeting family expectations is one of the major reasons behind depression. Establish your argument with evidence.

  • How does the loss of a family member affect the children in the family? Analyze the effects.

  • How can parents make every kid in the family feel equally loved?

  • Discuss the role of the family in developing an individual's personality.

Health Research Paper Topics

  • Analyze the obstacles faced by cigarette smokers when quitting the habit of smoking.

  • Explore the complications of inactivity in the teenage years. Also, highlight the solutions that can reverse the complications.

  • Does our eating habits have anything to do with the risk of cancer? Evaluate.

  • Is it healthy to rely entirely on a vegan diet?

  • Can marijuana treat cancer? Discuss the possibilities with valid data.

  • Discuss the recent developments in HIV AIDS treatment.

Media And Communications Research Paper Topics

  • Discuss the role of citizen journalism in the dissemination of information.

  • Is the print media dying a slow death due to the advancement of digital media? Discuss with proper evidence.

  • What role do media play in cultivating political influence among citizens? Discuss it with practical data.

  • Why content moderation is important in today’s world of digitization?

  • Analyze the major investigations carried out by journalists in the past 20 years.

  • How the media industry has transformed over the last 50 years? Analyze the changes.

Political Issues Research Paper Topics

  • How does Brexit affect world politics? Discuss the influence of the event on the bilateral relationship between Britain and Australia.

  • Is terrorism a political tool? Establish your argument with valid evidence.

  • Do a comparative analysis between presidential republics and parliamentary republics.

  • To what extent social media influences the political opinion of the individual voter? Analyze.

  • Discuss the role of public relations in politics.

  • Should there be more clarity in the electoral process? Analyze the current scenario and suggest a few solutions.

Psychology Research Paper Topics

  • Explore the psychological factors that turn a kid into a bully.

  • Analyze the psychological reasons behind the development of suicidal tendencies among teenagers.

  • Evaluate the major reasons behind seasonal affective disorders.

  • Can Schizophrenia be treated? Discuss the recent developments on Schizophrenia study.

  • Can a childhood trauma affect an individual in his/her adulthood? Explain it with data.

  • Discuss the effectiveness of psychological therapy in treating clinical depression.

Religion Research Paper Topics

  • Atheism is itself a religion – defend your argument with valid information.

  • Evaluate the role of the church in shaping the life of a Christian child in today's date.

  • Should religion determine how one should dress him/her? Establish your argument with practical data. Can Schizophrenia be treated? Discuss the recent developments in the Schizophrenia study.

  • Analyze the role of religious institutions in the betterment of society.

  • Should civil rights be expanded? Defend your argument with genuine data.

Social Issues Research Paper Topics

  • Analyze the challenges faced by the LGBTQ community in the early 80s in Australia.

  • Has social media made people more unsocial? Discuss with data.

  • How successful have the Australian NGOs been in battling the social evils in the last 5 years?

  • Do a comparative analysis of the concept of reincarnation in various religions of the world.

  • Evaluate the causes of the emergence of a new religion.

Terrorism Research Paper Topics

  • Analyze the measures taken by the United Nations to battle terrorism in the last 5 years.

  • Analyze how 9/11 has affected world politics.

  • Evaluate the measures the Trump government has taken to battle terrorism on American soil.

  • What implications do the Pulwama attack have on Pakistan’s position in the UN? Discuss.

Women And Gender Research Paper Topics

  • Do a comparative analysis of feminism and gender equality.

  • Why women are paid less than men for the same job in certain industries? Analyze the reasons behind such disparities.

  • Analyze how the "me too" movement has affected the corporate sector in recent times.

  • Evaluate the projection of female characters in the advertisements of men’s grooming products.

  • Why are male and female adultery treated differently in some parts of the country?

History Research Paper Topics

  • Evaluate the significance of the art patronage system in the Italian Renaissance.

  • Analyze the role of the guillotine in influencing the French Revolution.

  • Discuss the use of ziggurats in Ancient Mesopotamia.

  • Do a comparative analysis between the conquests of Alexander and Genghis Khan.

  • Analyze the factors that favored British Empire in expanding across the world.

  • Has slavery helped western countries to become developed? Defend your argument with data.

Research Paper Topics On Culture

  • Analyze the influence of the highway system in shaping American culture.

  • Evaluate the influence of culture in the legislative system of Australia.

  • Examine how multicultural communities operate in today's society.

  • Culture as a tool for politics – analyze.

  • Culture as a tool for politics – analyze.

  • Do a comparative analysis between Australian culture and American culture.

Research Paper Topics On Science And Technologies

  • Analyze how space exploration can benefit humankind. Discuss it with evidence.

  • Can the advancement of technology help achieve “education for all”?

  • Evaluate the possible risks related to artificial intelligence and machine learning.

  • How can nanotechnology improve our lives? Discuss with evidence.

  • Evaluate the role of cloud technologies in revolutionizing data storing.

  • Analyze the evolution of mobile phones in the last 20 years.

Research Paper Topics On Medicine

  • Analyze the recent developments in the area of organ donation.

  • Evaluate the causes of the increasing rate of Type 2 diabetes in Americans.

  • Do a comparative analysis between the genetic and behavioural factors responsible for obesity.

  • How have alternative medicines improved healthcare in the last 20 years?

  • Analyze the recent discoveries made through stem cell research.

  • Is it ethical to test medicines on animals? Defend your arguments with evidence.

Management Research Paper Topics

  • Do a comparative analysis between the roles of an executive manager and a general manager.

  • Evaluate the significance of crisis management in restoring the image of a brand.

  • Analyze the current marketing strategies adopted by the top brands in today’s world of digitization.

  • Customer support is the most crucial service for a brand. Establish your position with stats.

  • Should the management of a company invest more effort in employee retention or is it better to recruit fresh talents Compare with supporting evidence.

Hopefully, this list of topics for research papers can help you get started with your pending task. However, if you need further help with your research paper, we can offer you the much-needed assistance as well.

Relish Neatly-Drafted Research Paper Examples From Our Experts

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Most Popular Questions Searched By Students:

Q.1 What Are the Research Paper Topics?

Ans: A research paper topic can be referred to as a research question that the researcher is going to answer in the paper. Therefore, the tactics of finding a compelling research topic might seem a little tricky at first. Still, there are various helpful tools available on the internet that can help a researcher find good research topics.

Q.2 What Is A Research Paper?

Ans: A good research paper can be regarded as an expanded form of an essay. A research paper tends to present the researcher's interpretations, arguments or evaluations on a specific topic or study area. A research paper generally entails information from journals, articles, books, personal interviews, and the writers' ideas and knowledge regarding a good research topics.

Q.3 How Do I Find A Research Topic?

Ans: Finding good research topics is often a very crucial task while writing a research paper. The most important steps that a researcher needs to consider to find an agile research topic are reviewing the various course materials, searching for the hottest issues, thinking critically about the research topic, reading the background information about one shortlisted area of study, etc. 

Q.4 What Are The Easiest Research Paper Topics?

Ans: The term easy and its significance and depiction might vary from person to person. The easiest research paper topics would be those on which the researcher or the writer has the strongest grip to put it in simpler terms. The easiest and the best research paper topics will be the areas where the writer has ample knowledge and which most abundant information is available online. Some examples include crime and legal topics, sociology topics, organizational practices topics, etc.

Q.5 How Do You Write A Topic For A Research Paper?

Ans: While writing a topic for a research paper, one must think of multiple subjects that interest the writer and try to write these subjects on a paper. Then one topic in the writer's best interest can be chosen, and then it is wise to break it down into discrete chunks of topics to research formulate the study.

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