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Persuasive Essay Help

A persuasive essay, also known as an argument essay, uses reason and logic to convey that one idea is much more legitimate than the other. Persuasive essay writing tries to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view or take a particular action. In persuasive writing, the argument should always utilize solid evidence and sound reasoning by stating facts, providing logical reasons, quoting experts and using examples. Pertinent persuasive writing samples on the best persuasive essay topics can be availed at

How to Write Persuasive Essays?

Ask for MAH’s  persuasive writing samples from us or follow these steps to write effective persuasive essays:

  • Step 1 Choose your position: Which side of the problem will you write about, and what solution can you offer? Again, it would be best if you had a crystal-clear ideaof the objective of your persuasive essay.
  • Step 2 Examine your audience: Decide whether your audience is neutral, agrees with you or disagrees with your position while writing persuasive essay writing
  • Step 3 Research on your topic: It is often necessaryto go beyond your knowledge and experience while choosing topics for persuasive writing. You may have to go to your college library or even interview people who are experts in the matter.
  • Step 4 Structure your essay: Figure out the evidence of the persuasive topic you will be including and in what order you will be presenting the evidence in persuasive writing issues. Again, remember to consider your audience, your purpose and your persuasive topic.

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Brainstorming for Persuasive Writing

Once you get over the brainstorming sessions on the topics for persuasive writing, writing on any persuasive topic will not be a problem. Here are the vital points to keep in your brain while brainstorming on any convincing essay topic:

  • Write about a persuasive topic you strongly believe in: It should be easy for you to persuade the reader on a compelling case that has influenced you. If you need to write on a persuasive topic that you do not care about much, try imagining which side of the argument you will stand. A best persuasive essay topic of your liking will surely help you recollect and think over numerous persuasive essay topic ideas faster and better.
  • Search for a persuasive topic with depth: You cannot persuade the reader on a topic that does not require any deep discussion. A subject like an ink pen will not garner too much interest in the reader's mind. On the other side, if the topic for persuasive writing is on debatable issues like animal rights, then it can generate interest. Effective persuasion becomes more manageable with a good essay topic.
  • Consider counter arguments also: You need to develop possible viewpoints that can oppose your idea in persuasive writing samples. This feature can make your opinion unbiased for the reader and lead to successful persuasion through your persuasive writing.

Our expert persuasive help guide contains many more excellent & potent writing tips like the ones above. Sign up to gain access to it, check out our persuasive essay help samples and take expert essay help to write on the best persuasive essay topics.

Criteria to Develop a Compelling Argument for Persuasive Writing

If you are struggling, it is recommended to avail yourself of expert persuasive help while working on persuasive topics, especially on elements like the argument. You can also refer to the following for quick info on developing a solid argument for your write-ups.

  • Be well informed about your persuasive topic: If you want to add more to the existing facts on the issues for persuasive writing, then read thoroughly about that particular persuasive topic, using legitimate sources. Take notes.
  • Test your thesis: Your argument of a persuasive topic should have two sides. First, it needs to be debatable. If you can write a thesis statement directly opposing your own, you can ensure that your argument is uncertain based on the persuasive topic.
  • Disprove the opposing argument: Try to understand the opposite viewpoint of your position. Then counter it by providing contrasting evidence. You can even find inconsistencies and mistakes within the logic of the opposing argument on the persuasive topic.
  • Support your position with evidence: Remember that your evidence must be appealing enough to present a reason while writing on topics for persuasive writing.

Topics For Persuasive Essay Writing Sample

If your professor tells you to write a persuasive topic of your choice in persuasive writing, always go for a compelling case that can help you in building a solid argument to 'persuade' the reader. Always remember that the prime objective of persuasive writing is the persuasion of the reader.

Here are a few great topics for you to practice your persuasive writing skills.

  • Should students be permitted to use cell phones in schools and colleges?
  • Should the college athletes be paid for playing?
  • Should senior citizens be entitled to free bus rides?
  • Should marijuana be legalized for medicinal purposes?
  • Should the age of driving be raised to 21 years of age?
  • Should electronic notebooks replace students' textbooks?

Remember that you should not choose a persuasive topic over which you cannot build a strong argument. Instead, only concrete arguments should be employed as they form the base of good quality persuasive writing samples. In this way, the persuasion process becomes smoother, and you can achieve the ultimate goal, successful persuasion.

Persuasive essay writing samples

Essay 1: Censorship and the First Amendment: The American Citizen’s Right to Free Speech

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”

George Orwell

Adopted in 1791, the First Amendment states that "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or the press or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." (Pilon, p. 13) The freedom of speech documented in the First Amendment is constitutional protection and an inevitable part of democratic government and independence, which are essential values in our society. "Censorship," according to Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, "is an almost irresistible impulse when you know you are right" (Sunstein, p. 25). That is why the American citizen's right to free speech should be held as the highest virtue, and any censorship of freedom of speech should not be allowed but only respected.

If you want more interesting persuasive topics like this, go through our persuasive writing sample. 

Essay 2: Evaluation – Music Exploration

The origins of music, like anything eternal and saint, are not precisely defined as it spreads all around the world's lands. Like religion, it searches the areas of every tiny corner of our planet, touching the hearts, strengthening the feelings, bursting emotions. It is easily spread by the people travelling around the countries who bring their music to new undiscovered areas, just as they bring their faith or rituals.

If you want to check persuasive writing samples or find out all the latest trending persuasive essay topics, our persuasive writing sample bank can help you out.

Get In Touch With Us

How can help in Persuasive Writing? has talented groups of essay tutors who can help students in persuasive essay writing. They provide services like persuasive essay writing assistance, editing and proofreading, among others. Students can contact them for persuasive writing guidance any time of the day and with their queries via our live tutoring sessions or 24*7 live chat. In addition, students can get complete assistance for impressive persuasive writing samples.

Apart from persuasive essay help samples, we provide various other helps too. One of them is online assignment help with persuasive topics or development of best persuasive essay topics.

Nowadays, university students are lured by various websites that claim to provide the best persuasive help samples at affordable prices. However, the reality is that such websites do not have qualified tutors or even a proper platform to support the curious questions posed by the global student community. In contrast,, as a persuasive essay help provider, has emerged as the industry leader by giving assignment help to students from Australia, US and UK. Furthermore, due to constant requests made by our clients, we have introduced dissertation help, thesis help, research paper help, term paper help, coursework help and all other forms of academic assistance to meet the enormous demands.

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