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Home Work

Home Work: 2.4 Pages, Deadline: 1 day

i pass this assignment with HD

User ID: 5***7

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Home Work

Home Work: 5 Pages, Deadline: 11 days

i have always found good solutions every time when ever im relying on my assignment the responce and fallow up is the most likely to appriciated

User ID: 6***1

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Home Work

Home Work: 16 Pages, Deadline: 7 days

after being unsatisfied a few times. the expert came through and finally followed the instructions. great work

User ID: 2***46

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Thesis: 8 Pages, Deadline: 5 days

Haven't received the marks yet. overall i believe the assignment is good. once the marks released will update.

User ID: 6***01

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Programming: 5 Pages, Deadline: 3 days

was good not bad up to expectation..... have no more words got me passed yeah have lost few points because they were late

User ID: 7***3

student rating student rating student rating student rating student rating
Home Work

Home Work: 2.4 Pages, Deadline: 7 days

After escalation and the changes added, very thing meets the requirements, thanks for your effort

User ID: 9***8

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Assignment: 7 Pages, Deadline: 3 days

Please read the questions carefully. Ask the student what is expected of them. Call them for explanation and lastly meet deadlines

User ID: 3***57

student rating student rating student rating student rating student rating

Assignment: 6.4 Pages, Deadline: 4 days

Very well done assignment there’s people are very nice they helped my friends they also give good discount

User ID: 2***48

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Programming: 8 Pages, Deadline: 4 days

It was on time and missed a couple of points I mentioned in the notes. There are a lot of grammatical mistakes.

User ID: 6***66

student rating student rating student rating student rating student rating

Assignment: 4 Pages, Deadline: 6 days

It’s a good assignment I am satisfied with assignment it’s simple and clear and which information I need it it’s mentioned in the assignment Tha ...

User ID: 3***60

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