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Why Students Need Employment And Industrial Law Essay Assignment Help?

Industrial laws and employment laws are a part of labour laws and differ from one country to another. Therefore, students of industrial laws need to stay abreast of the latest developments in such laws to write credible employment law essays and essays. Furthermore, while employment laws deal with the relationship between the employer and employee, industrial laws deal with the industrial and trade policies of the government.

If you need industrial law assignment help and employment law assignment help on various industrial law and employment law topics then you can get guidance from our top tutors and complete your assignment easily.

Employment Laws

Students needing industrial law assignment help can highly benefit from this article. The primary feature of labour laws in any country is the employment relationship or the relationship between the employer and the employee. This relationship is spelt out in an employment contract. An employment contract is a legal document that specifies the terms of the contract according to the country's employment laws. It deals with the following issues:

1. Minimum wage:

This is an essential topic for students needing industrial law assignment help. A minimum wage is the least amount of monetary compensation that a worker must be paid in exchange for the labour that he puts in. In a free-market economy, wages are usually determined by forces of demand and supply. However, the problem with the Marketing Plan forces is that minimum wages can drastically fall during times of emergency while prices might shoot up.

This may lead to underemployment, resulting in low quality of life as such many developed economies like Australia, the UK, USA, Belgium, France and Canada have provisions for minimum wages. Furthermore, a minimum wage is determined in terms of hours. Therefore, a worker must be paid according to the minimum wage laws. For more, log on to

2. Living wage:

Another interesting area for employment law assignment is living wage. A living wage is a minimum wage that a worker must be paid to support himself and his family. The difference between a minimum wage and a living wage is that while minimum wage should ideally maintain a basic standard of living, a living wage should maintain a decent standard of living, including housing, food, utilities, transport, health care, and recreation. Not all countries have living wages laws. Countries like the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States of America have some provisions of living wages laws. Much more on employment law assignments can be found on

3. Work hours:

Work and recreation remain two of the most important pillars of a person’s life, along with sleep. Students requiring employment law assignment help need to be well aware of work hours. A healthy adult must equally engage in all three spheres to have a quality life. During the industrial revolution, long working hours were typical. A labour movement called '8-hour day movement' or '40 hour week movement' emerged in England, drastically reducing the working hours in countries like England and France. As a result, many countries have 8 hours a day laws. However, effective implementation is still lacking. If you are looking for employment law essay help and employment law courses, you can take guidance from our top tutors by logging on to, where students can find all the help they need.

4. Worker’s health and safety: 

This is perhaps the most controversial area for employment law assignment help. Some occupations are not only physically demanding but downright dangerous. Some of the most hazardous occupations are construction, industrial farming, mining, firework manufacturing, chemical industry etc. On the other hand, white-collared corporate jobs in the service sector have also led to several other health problems such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, heart diseases etc.

Occupational Health and Safety is that area of employment laws that takes care of such issues. Companies typically provide medical facilities for the treatment of such workers. On the other hand, adequate monetary compensation is also provided when accidents take place in the workplace. Much more on worker's safety can be found in the sample employment law assignments on

5. Promotion and dismissal: 

A vital part of employment law courses is to follow specific ethical codes of conduct. They must be followed by both the employers and the employees. While an employee must come on time, do their job correctly, not damage or sabotage the company or its assets, the company too must treat the employee fairly. Dismissals and promotion should be fair and objective and should not incorporate any bias. makes this concept clear in sample employment law essays uploaded on its website.

6. Discrimination in the workplace: 

This topic has attracted tremendous scholarly attention in employment law courses. Employment ethics also deals with discrimination in the workplace. Such laws entail that no employees should be discriminated against based on race, gender, ethnicity, sex or sexual orientation. These laws differ from one organization to another, although there might be some sort of overarching laws governing these issues in some countries. For sample employment law courses, log on to

Fig 1: Employment rules at a glance

Areas of employment laws

Laws relating to wages

Laws relating time

Laws relating to working conditions

Laws relating to employment ethics

·         Minimum wages


·         Living wages

·         Eight hours a day

·         Recreation

Occupational Health and Safety

·         Dismissal

·         Promotion

·         Child labour

Industrial Laws

Industrial laws relate to those laws which govern industrial enterprises, industrial policies of the government, trade and commerce, environmental issues, workers' rights and obligations, safety etc. Some of the significant areas of industrial law assignment help are the following:

1. Employment issues:

We have discussed employment issues in detail in our previous discussion on employment law assignment help. Industrial laws guide all the major employment laws of the country. So if a government is, say, more socialist, it is likely to introduce several pro-worker laws. On the other hand, if a country is pro-capitalist, it is expected to introduce laws that favor management. If you have any difficulty with industrial assignment help,log on to our website.

2. Occupational health & safety issues:

Health benefits of the employee and their family is another important area of industrial law. Industrial accidents and accident-related compensation are also related to this issue. It is estimated that two out of every 1000 workers lose their lives every year from accident-related injuries as such personal injury laws form a significant part of industrial law practice.

3. Environmental issues:

Industrial assignment help is equally concerned with the environment. The environment is an important area of concern for the industry. Whenever a new factory comes up, the surrounding environment gets affected. Environmental laws maintain a balance between environmental concerns and developmental goals. We have an excellent article on environmental laws, which you can find in our industrial assignment help.

These were the major areas of practice for lawyers practicing industrial law and employment law. If you are a law student, you need to keep in mind some of these issues. Employment law assignment help and industrial assignment help and essay typically deal with disputes relating to these issues: conflicts between employers and employees relating to working hours, conditions, wages and compensation; disputes between industrialists and environmentalists; disputes between management and trade unions etc. Law assignment help students should take care to study these themes since many of them are burning issues of contemporary significance.

How Can Help Law Students To Achieve High Grades?

Industrial assignment online and employment law assignment help and essays are complex, vast and address overlapping issues. Some of the major problems students face are the following:

  1. Industrial laws and employments laws often contain overlapping issues. In addition, laws relating to employment and industry are often overlapping, thereby adding too much confusion. can help you tackle even the most confusing of such assignments with tutoring guidance. We have a team of 3000 law assignment tutors who can help you tackle complex, confusing and overlapping themes.
  2. Employment Law assignments have very short deadlines. As a result, students often have difficulty conducting research, write and submitting within time. Law Assignment help providers of have solutions for this too. We have never missed a deadline. We will guide you to produce quality workforce planning, error-free and perfectly written in the shortest possible time.
  3. Finally, legal case studies form another tricky area. Industrial law disputes and employment disputes involve contract law principles that are pretty profound and difficult to comprehend. Our tutoring service for case study help is there to help you out with law disputes. is a top-ranked tutoring guidance provider for law assignments. We provide quality tutoring guidance on all the law subjects, including common-law, customary law, civil law, contract law, business law, consumer law, competition law, corporate law etc. In addition, employment law and industrial law are equally important.

  • Log on to our website and fill in the application form.
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  • Go back to our website and make your payment. Again, you will receive guidance with your employment law assignment on time within the given date.

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Most Popular Questions Searched By Students

Q.1. What's The Difference Between Being A Contract Employee And An Independent Consultant?

Ans. Independent contractors are independent workers working on specific tasks. They determine their work hours. They are solely responsible for their taxes, and they enjoy numerous benefits.

Contract employees work for a limited time on specified tasks at a specific rate of pay. They will be told about their duties. They are not eligible for the benefits that are available to permanent employees.

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