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Top 100+ Accounting Research Topics for Students in 2023

Finding the right research topic is never easy, especially if the subject is more calculative, like accounts. But without a proper accounting research topic, you won't be able to present a quality paper.

Now, starting from the information you get to how you arrange the data in a flow, it all depends on your research paper topic.

Seeing so many students struggle with the topic selection,’s subject matter experts are here to guide you in selecting the best accounting research topic.

Dive in!

What is Accounting Research?

Research in a generic way is the detailed study of a subject. This usually has a direction and pre-decided goal to achieve. When it comes to accounting research, it implies all extensive studies done to learn more about accounting practices and the theories that help in the modification of these practices. It can also be related to the laws regarding accounting.

Hence, when selecting an accounting research topic, you must be careful whether it suffices any of these or not.

But you do not have to worry, for our experts are ready to find a suitable accounting research topic as per your needs.

Top 100+ Excellent Accounting Research Topics for Students in 2023

From years of experience, our account ting research topic selection specialists have already prepared a list of the most popular research topics with enough relevance. Have a look at it.

Accounting Theory Research Topics

  1. Accounting standards and their problems
  2. Historical choices for different accounting interventions
  3. Accounting software – the most popular and productive one!
  4. Are online personal accounting services a great substitute for a licensed accountant?
  5. Pros and cons of traditional accounting practices.
  6. Mobile accounting – details, pros and cons.
  7. What are the most popular techniques used by big businesses to lower tax overhead?
  8. Impact of instant information on current-day accounts
  9. What makes an individual a qualified accountant?
  10. Mass processing and how accounting reports may be voided
  11. What leads to the global financial crisis?
  12. The growth of long-term debt and methods to reduce it
  13. Corporate accounting
  14. Culture and accounting thesis.
  15. Accounting ethics
  16. Chances of fraud in accounting – explanation with real-time example.
  17. What are the best accounting practices for maintaining accurate financial records?
  18. Accounting and technology, the brighter side
  19. Making appropriate accounting decisions.
  20. Accountants and their ethical dilemma.

Financial Accounting Topics

  1. Financial balance sheets and their importance in business decisions.
  2. Due returns and all about it in finance accounting
  3. The role played by the auditors with the consumers/ the third party members.
  4. Significance of digital currency in present-day finance accounting.
  5. Why are interest rates so important in financial accounting?
  6. Cash flow – effective international techniques
  7. How is financial accounting different from that managerial accounting?
  8. Factors responsible for the growth of financial accounting.
  9. Hotel industry – challenges of financial accounting.
  10. Corporate disclosure and financial accounting.
  11. Mnc – importance f accounting in the budget planning of these companies
  12. Accounting information system and its relationship with firm size and profitability.
  13. Risk-taking and management from the point of view of an accountant.
  14. Expected returns in finance accounting
  15. Relation of accounting information system and the financial stability of a firm.

Tax Accounting Research Topics

  1. Tax administration and its impact on revenue generation.
  2. Impacts of income tax on accounts of small businesses.
  3. Information technology's impact on effective tax management
  4. The tax code for the independent contractor sector. Discuss the measures and regulations that will ensure equitable taxation of independent contractors.
  5. Examining how the tax structure affects the growth and development of developing nations.
  6. The effect of tax management on generating money
  7. Examining how intellectual capital affects the expansion and development of large organisations.
  8. Tax audits and investigation in developing economies as a result of revenue generating.
  9. How audited accounts aid income tax authorities and insurance firms in settling claims.
  10. Effects of tax avoidance and evasion on economic growth
  11. Consider the various tax evasion rules that CEOs have developed based on gender diversity.
  12. The typical problems with income tax administration include
  13. The best methods for estimating tax on business profits.

General Accounting Topics for Research Papers

  1. Benefits of stock control in cost management.
  2. Accounting ethics application
  3. The accounting literature has very few unanswered questions- what are they, and how are they significant?
  4. Various techniques for keeping an eye on liquidity using financial accounting instruments.
  5. Tools for financial accounting monitoring liquidity levels
  6. Accounting and public expense effects.
  7. What actions does a company take to lower taxes?
  8. How does the application of ethical principles support the normative stakeholder theory?
  9. Offshore accounting's benefits and drawbacks.
  10. Aspects of international accounting.
  11. The risks of outsourcing accounting departments to nations with lax regulation
  12. Significance of tax laws and their implementation.
  13. The contribution of popular accounting to emerging economies' economic development.
  14. Rent, leases, and obligations how small business buries itself before work even begins
  15. The connection between integrated reporting and positive accounting theory.
  16. Accounting judgements and their appropriateness.
  17. Modern accounting's contribution to emerging economies' economic growth

Managerial Accounting Research Paper Topics

  1. Does double-entry accounting help managers run their organisations efficiently?
  2. How can business owners increase productivity and efficiency by applying a cost accounting strategy?
  3. What does "country risk" mean? Give a thorough investigational analysis.
  4. The difference between managerial and financial accounting.
  5. How do emerging economies and wealthy nations differ in their approaches to strategic management accounting?
  6. The importance of country risk in risk management literature
  7. Corporate accounting and public accounting. Two distinct ideas pursuing the same objectives
  8. Is there a place for strategic management accounting in the publishing industry?
  9. Risk management and project accounting involve detecting and recording hazards.
  10. What part does management play in account auditing?
  11. Can strategic management and performance evaluation both employ the balanced scorecard approach?
  12. Gaining a competitive edge in the field of project accounting
  13. In politically unstable economies, risk management
  14. The efficiency of the du Pont approach in firms that provide electrical contracting services for performance evaluations.
  15. Why is strategic management more important to businesses now?
  16. Reviewing several performance management models analytically in manufacturing companies
  17. What benefits does the cost accounting perspective offer business owners looking to increase productivity?
  18. New taxation policies' effects on management accounting
  19. What applications are there for strategic management accounting in the publishing sector?

Forensic Accounting Research Paper Topics

  1. Implying forensic accounting in organisations
  2. Chances of fraud in forensic accounting
  3. Audit investigation in forensic accounting
  4. Financial statement analysis in forensic accounting
  5. Impacts of fraud auditing in the case of forensic accounting
  6. Forensic accounting and terrorism: a relationship
  7. Future of forensic accounting
  8. Career opportunities in forensic accounting
  9. Bank secrecy laws and tax haven: growing fields and potential computer applications illegal accounting.
  10. Forensic accountants and their legal responsibility
  11. The future of forensic accounting: past, present, and future
  12. Commercial damages in forensic accounting
  13. Forensic accounting – Strengths and weaknesses
  14. Income recognition in forensic accounting
  15. Technology and forensic accounting
  16. What is forensic auditing in forensic accounting?

How To Select Good Accounting Research Topics? A Guide

Selecting a good accounting research topic is no big deal if you know how to do it. Here is a simplified process for those who do not have enough time to consult our experts. This also has been designed by the accounting experts associated with us –

  • Figure out what portion of accounting intrigues you.
  • Does that section have enough scope for research?
  • If yes, start brainstorming ideas. Note every idea that crosses your mind. If no, start thinking about some other section.
  • A good accounting research topic will always be narrow and will have a particular stance. So be careful about that.
  • Once an idea is final in your head, discuss the same with your professor. Try to observe how impressed they are with your idea. Ask for suggestions from them.
  • Do adjustments to your topic accordingly.

And now you have a perfect accounting research topic to work on. You can also come to us whenever you want. Our subject matter experts are always ready to help you choose the most relevant accounting research topic for you.

Steps to Writing a Flawless Accounting Research Paper

Here is a step-by-step process framed by the efficient subject experts associated with us to help you write flawless accounting research papers.

  1. Choose a relevant accounting research topic.
  2. Do the needful research on the accounting research topic you have chosen.
  3. Frame the outline of the research paper
  4. Draft the paper.
  5. Revise, proofread and polish the paper before submission.

If you feel stuck at any point, do feel free to hire our services. Besides helping you choose the right accounting research topic for you, they can also help you write a flawless paper.

What to Avoid in Accounting Research Papers?

Students, mostly due to their lack of experience, often give too much information in their research papers. This decreases the quality of the paper you submit. Here is a list of suggestions from our experts on what to avoid. Remember this is true irrespective of what your accounting research paper topic is.

  • No personal opinion. If it is necessary at a certain point, be subtle about it.
  • There should be no missing correlations in your paper.
  • The absence of cited sources is a big NO.
  • Plagiarism should be avoided at all costs.

If you are still confused and do not want to compromise with the quality, register with our service.

Most Popular Questions Searched By Students:

  1. What are good accounting topics?

Some good accounting topics for research and essays are –

  1. Can a company function without accounting software?
  2. Accounting principles from the past and present
  3. How can accuracy be maintained in a company that makes enormous profits?
  4. The relationship between accounting and charitable giving?
  5. Children's accounting literacy
  6. How do we distribute extra earnings among employees?

  1. How do I find a research topic in accounting?

If you are tired of looking for a perfect accounting research topic, then take the help of experts at These subject matter experts are learned and experienced. They have the idea about what topic holds relevance and otherwise. Hence they will be able to give you the best suggestions.

  1. What are the top 5 most accounting researched topics?

The top 5 most accounting researched topics are –

  • What are the implications of vertical and horizontal communication in accounting?
  • How can government organisations be efficiently funded?
  • What are the main ethical and legal accounting issues?
  • How to assess the impact of using electronic data processing in any community bank?
  • What are the principal ethical conundrums in accounting?


  1. What are the best accounting research topics in finance?

The best research accounting topics in finance are –

  • Discuss commercial risk-taking from the perspective of an accountant.
  • A thorough investigation of risk management procedures in the defence industry.
  • The significance of inventory control in nonprofit organisations.
  • How do wise expenditures support the expansion of businesses?
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