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Law Assignment Sample for Australian Students

At, we have unlimited academic writing benefits of law assignment help, along with premium quality law assignment samples. The assignment samples come in PDF format; hence you can download our law assignment sample pdf in a readable layout.

Our objectives to support students with law assignment samples are: to guide them to understand the necessity to draft a flawless paper; to guide them with all the particulars of structuring, writing and other guidelines of a legal assignment.

All law assignment samples available with us are completely free of plagiarism issues and prepared from scratch. Law assignment examples are available for all the disciplines of law.

Why Do Students Seek Law Assignment Sample?

There are various reasons why law students seek law assignment samples. They are –

  • To clear their doubts

Law assignment sample pdfs carry the past answers and solved questions. So, if students want to clear any doubts without hiring an expert, referring to these samples is the best option. They can go through the old answer sheets and get a quick solution to all their doubts.

  • To know how to design the papers

Writing law assignments isn't the easiest job. Students need to know how to organise all the parts of the assignment to make it look refined. To ensure the law papers are perfect, they need to create well-defined outlines. By looking at the old law assignment examples, students can easily understand how to design their papers.

  • To score better grades

Scoring the maximum grades always remains the priority for all students. However, students rarely have the knowledge and experience to write accurate law assignments. So, instead of hiring anyone, students can refer to law assignment examples and know the tips and tricks to score the best grades.

Why Do Students Select Us for Law Assignment Samples?

When students look for law assignment samples, is always their most popular choice. This is because we have the biggest online library of all reputed websites. We have 10,000+ law assignment samples and solved papers in our collections. Students can get free access to this whole collection if they hire our services.

By surfing through these law assignment samples, students can find several law assignment examples and answers, which in turn helps them to write better assignments. We also update our online library in continuous intervals so that you get the most updated law assignment solutions. We ensure that we upload law assignment samples from all the major legal areas –

  • Civil law
  • Criminal law
  • Taxation law
  • Corporate law
  • Media law
  • Environment law
  • Property law
  • International law
  • Family law

We cover many other major law areas, and students can find samples easily by logging on to our website.

Flawless Law Assignment Samples In A Click

Students pursuing a degree in law know the amount of complication one assignment involves. An accurate assignment sample makes the daunting task of working on the paper easier. How? Read on and see how law assignment samples will help you out-

  • Help understanding assignment structure.
  • Choosing topics become easier.
  • Decreases citation mistakes.
  • Improves writing patterns.

Free law assignment sample formats are available at Visit the site and download the document you need.  We won’t charge for it. Please note, the assignment format PDF we have uploaded are only for reference, do not copy it.

Our in-house writers upload accurate law assignment samples every day. We have PhD- qualified consultants, industry practitioners, and experienced academic writers who draft the assignment sample for university students.

Download Law Assignment Sample PDF For Various Law Topics-

Be it providing the students with a law assignment sample pdf or guiding the students on their assignments, at; we cover law assignment sample pdf for all law topics and all the genres. Below is a brief list of topics our experts have worked on so far

  • Commercial law assignment sample.
  • Business law assignment Help.
  • Criminal law assignment sample.
  • Contract law assignment example.
  • Migration law assignment sample.
  • Constitutional law assignment sample pdf.
  • Property law assignment sample.
  • Taxation law assignment sample.
  • Health Care law assignment sample.
  • Environmental law assignment sample.
  • Intellectual Property law assignment sample.
  • Family law assignment sample.
  • Administrative Law Assignment

This is not an exhaustive list. We keep uploading more law assignment sample pdf every day. So, keep an eye on the ‘samples’ section to get guidance on your preferred topic

Taxation Law Assignment Sample ( Example)

In 1982, Billy Jones purchased eight hectares of land for a strawberry farm at the cost of $320,000. By 1989, another two hectares of land was brought for $40,000. The cost included a stamp duty of $800 and legal fees of $1600. However, due to crop failure, Billy decided to sell his land. Since he could not find a buyer who would buy his whole property, he decided to sell the land by sub-division. He had to spend an additional amount of $160,000 on sub-division. He finally sold the land in July 2011 for $700,000. The contract provided that half of the money would be payable after settlement and the remaining on March 31, 2012. The outstanding balance would accrue at the interest of 10 per cent per annum. The agent's commission would be $12,000, and legal fees would be $2,400. Give Billy's tax advice for the financial year of 2011-12.

Cost of land: $40,000

Stamp Duty: $800

Legal Fees: $1600

Sub-division expenses and cost of disposal: $160,000

Agent’s commission: $12,000

Legal fee: $2400.

Total: $174,400.

Out of these, 20 per cent is applicable to the taxable area of land, so a total of $77,280 is calculated as a cost base.

Next, we need to determine capital gains. Capital gains refer to the excess of the sale value over the cost base.

Sale value: (20 percent of $700,000) = $140,000

Cost base: $77,280

Capital gains: Sale value – cost base = $62,720

However, since Billy has held the new block of land for more than a year, he can discount 50 per cent of the capital gains. So the actual capital gains would be 50 per cent of $62,720 = $31,360.

Besides capital gains, there is another source of income that is taxable. Billy had entered into a sale agreement on the condition that the settlement of the money would be made on October 12, 2011, the date on which the sale deed would become effective. The outstanding balance would attract an interest of 10 per cent p.a. The interest amount received on such a transaction must be shown under the other income of Billy.

Total amount of sale = $700,000

1st installment = $350,000 dollars

2nd installment = $350,000 dollars which attracts an interest of 10 percent p.a. for a period of 5 months 19 days.

Amount taxable = $16,440

Total number of days which accrues interest = $171

Total number of days in a year = $365

So taxable interest = 35,000/365 x 171 = $16,400.

How To Prepare A Law Assignment?

Perfect Samples Make It Easy

Finding it difficult to figure out the particulars of working on a law paper? Law assignment samples by come really handy when you are struggling to draft your paper. Know how to present an assignment with examples suggested by our experts. We upload fresh assignment samples every day; keep an eye to find your perfect match.

Here’s a short guide on the steps one should follow while working on a law assignment-

  • Pick your topic first

If you are given a choice, choose a topic first. It shouldn’t be too narrow or too broad for you to manage. Surf through different online/ offline sources to find a suitable topic.

  • Research every source

Researching is a fluid term, and technically you are doing that before you have picked the topic. Continue researching important aspects coming up every day on both online and offline sources. If you find it difficult, trust our examples and contract law assignment samples. 

  • Plan the assignment/ brainstorm

Know how to plan your law assignment by downloading our assignment sample formats. Identifying legal issues, providing evidence, and drafting the arguments are the fundamentals of legal assignments that you will know better with our university assignment example. 

  • Start drafting

After brainstorming, it's time to start working on the first draft. Come up with a clear, concise, and well-referenced assignment. You have our law assignment samples as a suggestion. Notice the way our experts have addressed the issues there. If you find it difficult, contact us for tailor-made solutions.

  • Citation, editing and proofreading

Contact us, and we will write you a thoroughly cited, edited and proofread law paper. Know fundamentals with law assignment samples that we have uploaded to the website.  

Get Law Assignment Examples Coupled With Unseen Profits

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  • Looking for customization? We can absolutely guide
  • Looking for a place where all types of assignment help will be available? Contact us the soonest.

We are not limited to guiding the students with law assignment samples and example only. In fact, we cater to various other areas with perfection-

  • 24*7 customer support so that you get access to experts assistance
  • Apart from law assignment samples, we have assignment sample format PDF for more than 100 subjects.
  • Law assignment samples are available for free. Students can avail themselves of free facilities like on request plagiarism reports, free SMS updates, and unlimited revision from us, etc.
  • While our law assignment samples come for free, all-encompassing experts guidance comes at absolutely pocket-friendly rates to suit every budget.
  • 100 % confidentiality of student data. We are strictly against third-party intervention.
  • PayPal, credit card, debit card, Net Banking- we accept payments via multiple payment channels to support maximum students with our guidance services.

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs) On Law Assignment Sample

 Q1.How To Prepare A Law Essay?

Ans: Woking on a complicated law essay may turn out to be too overwhelming for you. This could be because you have confusion on how to present each section of your essay. To eliminate this confusion, you need to focus on the following steps properly.

  • Present the introduction and thesis statement clearly.
  • Present the details in a coherent manner.
  • Prepare a proper conclusion.

Q2.How Do You Start A Law Assignment?

Ans: If you’re feeling puzzled about working on your complex law assignment, then you need to remember a few simple steps. Once you understand how these steps are carried out, you won’t have problems starting with your law paper. These steps are as follows.

  • Performing research on the topic of your law paper
  • Narrowing down the topic further
  • Structuring the assignment properly

Q3.How Do You End A Law Assignment?

Ans: The conclusion of your law paper is as significant as the introduction. So, you must make sure the concluding section comes across as flawless. You have to sum up the major details briefly and also mention the outcome of your research. You can also consider highlighting the scope of further research on your specific topic.

Q4.Where Can I Get A Law Assignment Sample?

Ans: While presenting your law assignment, you may check out different samples to gain clarity on how these papers should be approached. You can look for credible samples at your university's website or from any other verified sources online. One such verified source is You can access a plethora of resources on different law topics from our website.

Q5.Can Anyone Provide Me with Law Case Study Assignment Sample PDF?

If you need law case study assignment sample pdfs, you should contact for the same. We have a huge digital library with 10000+ law samples. You can surf through these samples and choose the one you need.

Q6.Who is providing a 100% free plagiarism-free law assignment sample pdf?

Many websites claim to provide 100% plagiarism-free law assignment samples to students. However, most of them are scammers and hard to trust. However, you can trust to get 100% original law assignment samples at no extra cost.

Q7.Where can I find law assignment examples with solutions?

Many websites promise to give you law assignment examples with solutions. However, most of the time, these samples are sub-par. You can only trust to give you the best examples of law assignment solutions.

Q8.How to write a law assignment?

Students should follow these steps to write a law assignment –

  • Starting your answer
  • Planning your argument
  • Structuring your answer
  • Presenting your ideas
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